Wednesday, November 21, 2007

so it snowed this weekend.
for like a second.

other than that... not too much going on here in Zlataritsa. (notwithstanding the always present apartment/water heater/electricity problems, of which 3 were addressed by the maintenance people today alone)

as far as work goes, we are having a late Halloween party next week at the children's center in town.
i figure, it is an american holiday. i am the american. hence, i get to decide the date of which Halloween is celebrated. and i think next week is the perfect time for some candy and games.
and why not? it's not like i have anyone telling me what to do, nor am given any goal or direction from a source other than my own capricious whims as to what constitutes my job here. which means, essentially, that i highly doubt there will be any objection to the observance of Samhain on the non-official and belated date of November 29th.

we will be bobbing for apples.
and having mummy wrapping contests.
and bowling with a homemade bowling alley made of sandfilled plastic pop bottles.
and watching a scary movie on the new tv/speaker/dvd paid for (along with many other things) by the generocity of the south eastern michigan returned peace corps volunteers (SEMIRPCV).
it should be fun.
it is also one more opportunity to take more pictures.
which i love to do.
because one day i will look back at all of my pictures and my life will somehow make sense.
because, otherwise, why do i do it?
and by it, i mean both taking pictures and, you know, everything.