Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Two years later...

So it's been over two years years since my return to the States. I've obviously stopped posting here... and probably would never have posted again if I weren't holed up in our local library fighting distraction and trying to get some studying done for the NCLEX that I'll be taking on the 25th. Clearly I'm losing the battle of me vs distraction.
So here's some updates. Finished up nursing school in December (bachelor's degree number two, check) and am working as a nurse on the fantastic oncology floor where I did my preceptorship. Vangel continues to work and go to school for culinary arts. We have a small apartment, three computers but no television, and plan on going back to the BG for a much needed visit sometime this summer.
Let's see if I can find any pictures to post since I don't think I'll be able to pull my focus back to NCLEX studying for at least another 15 minutes.

Grandma's 90th birthday celebration.

Drive-in movie waiting for the sun to set.

Beginning of spring in Michigan

Lake Michigan

And now I believe I've wasted a sufficient amount of time posting to a blog that nobody reads. Time to get back to studying.