Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Roma New Year...installment 2

so i keep calling it the "roma new year" because that is what i learned was politically correct and so i find it hard to stop... however where i live, which is Zlataritsa, the people here do not like to be called roma... they call themselves, and prefer for others to refer to them, as gypsies, or tsigani in bulgarian.
just so ya know.

so yeah, i had some volunteer visitors this weekend. patty, stacie, and maggie...from plovdiv, blagoevgrad, and ugarchin.
i knew that it would be fun with them because all of them are such good sports... and you have to be here.
getting lifted up on chairs to dance in the middle of a restaurant of people you don't know, starting acapella singing circles outside with the kids, needing a flashlight to use the bathroom (ok, so that last one was my fault... opps)
anyway, to curb my ramblings early, i'll just say that it was great.
i had a great time, the people from zlataritsa had a great time, and i'm pretty sure my friends had a great time too.
just to give you a little glance into the night, here are a couple clips.

inside at the party:

and then outside on the street:

Roma New Year... installment 1

Here is a clip of the kids program during the day.

Monday, January 08, 2007


Fantastic time in Plovdiv. I don't know exactly what expectations i had, but whatever they were, Plovdiv definitely surpassed them. The city was beautiful,(although I still prefer turnovo) there are pieces of history just laying around the city, for example numerous Roman ruins, the weather was great, wasn't too crowded like sofia and they had an easy to find little health food store where I was able to buy lots of fun stuff. I'll use my crazy cut and paste skills to give you a quick summary of the history of the city.

* Plovdiv *

Remains of ancient, mediaeval, revival and modern culture coexist and are interwoven into the unobtrusive, irresistible and eternal beauty of this city. They do not stand in each other's way; they complement and enrich each other to make Plovdiv a synonym of Bulgarian history and a genuine world city.

Plovdiv is very, very old. The Eternal City, as Rome is conventionally called, is much younger. Athens, Carthage and Constantinople came into being later. A contemporary of Troy and having survived Mycenae, Plovdiv is a city upon layers of cities and an epoch upon layers of epochs. Plovdiv is all in one: a Thracian and classical Greek polis, the pride of Philip of Macedon, the capital of Thrace under the Roman Empire, a centre of Byzantinism, a stronghold of the Bulgarians, a dream of the crusaders -- a magnificent, wealth and most important city.

Kendros, Eumolpia, Philippopolis, Pulpudeva, Thrimonzium, Pulden, Populdin, Ploudin, Filibe -- those were the ancient names of Plovdiv throughout its 6000 to 8000 years of existence. The name Plovdiv first appeared in 15 century documents and has remained till today.

In the distant past Plovdiv was situated on seven hills: Taxim, Nebet, Jambaz, Sahat, Jendem and Bunarjik. The seventh hill, Markovo Tepe, has nowadays subsided completely under the pavement of modern Plovdiv.

In 432 B.C. the town was conquered by Philip II of Macedonia. During his rule the ancient Thracian fortress and towers were rebuilt. The vain Philip II gave the city his own name, Philippopolis. Soon it became a Thracian town again, called Pulpudeva. During the 1st century A.C. it was conquered by the Romans. The practical Romans called the town Thrimonzium (lying on three hills) because the Roman town was situated on three hills, Taxim, Nebet, and Jambaz Tepe. The Roman emperors Trayanus and Marcus Aurellius built solid fortresses around the town. They intoduced many improvements, as well as coin minting. At the time Plovdiv was known as Ulpia Thrimonzium, the most flourishing metropolis of the Thracian province.
The magnificent amphitheatre above dates back from Roman times. Now it is restored and classical drama, operas, and concerts are presented on stage in the open air...

In 447 the Huns ruined the town. In the sixth century the Slavs settled in the Balkan Peninsula and introduced the names Pulden and Plundiv.

In 815 Khan Kroum seized the fortress. In the following five centuries the town was ruled by Bulgarians, then conquered by Byzantium. The Bulgarian army came again later. The Crusaders demolished and plundered the town several times on their way to Mecca.

1365 was a fateful year for Plovdiv. The town fell under the Turkish yoke. Later it was renamed Filibe and became an important administrative and military center of crafts. Filibe was the seat of the ruler of the district of Rumelia. At that time the town possessed a mysterious charm and striking poverty typical of the Orient. The functioning Jumaia Mosque attracts visitors to the center of modern Plovdiv with its fine minaret and its sun-dial.

The commercial area of the town was between that mosque and the river Maritza. One of the oldest clock towers in Eastern Europe is located behind Sahat Tepe. The clock is working even nowadays. As the Turkish traveller Evlya Chelebi wrote in 1651, "Philibe is the biggest one among 10 big towns in the European part of Turkey, and is getting richer every day".

The 19th century brought Plovdiv closer to the rennaissance from cultural opression during the Turkish occupation. That was the time of spiritual awakening when the Bulgarian people began their struggle for religious, cultural and political independence. Many citizens of Plovdiv sacrificed their lives because they had the courage to rise against the sultan. In 1850 the well-known enlightener Naiden Gerov established a class school. In the following year the anniversary of the Slavic enlighteners Sts. Cyrillus and Methodius was celebrated for the first time. Hristo G. Danov founded the first Bulgarian publishing house in 1855. He circulated the printed books, newspapers and magazines around the Bulgarian land. The first printing press in Bulgaria appeared at that time. The Bulgarian revolutionist Vassil Levski organized a revolutionary committee in Plovdiv.

The long cherished liberation came to Plovdiv on January 19, 1878, after 500 years of waiting. However, the extasy of it was short. The Berlin Congress divided newly liberated Bulgaria into the Principality of Bulgaria and the autonomous region of Eastern Rumelia with its capital Plovdiv. Just seven years later the unification of Bulgaria was proclaimed on September 6, 1885. That was the first blow agains the unfair Berlin Agreement. This is a photo of the lovely monument in the middle of Unification Square that honors the hundredth anniversary of that great event. The monument depicts the Mother-Country with the laurel wreath of victory stretched in her hands, with her two wings, the two regions brought together, ready for the coming 20-th century.

On September 9, 1944 the Nazi were driven off Bulgaria and the communists came on power. A very close relationship with the former USSR was established and many monuments were built in the honor of the USSR. One of them, the monument of the Russian soldier Aljosha, has remained at the top of a hill in Plovdiv.

The end of communism for Bulgaria is quite recent -- November 10, 1989. Plovdiv was a place of major demonstrations of the democratic forces in the country. Some people refer to the city as "the blue (democratic) capital of Bulgaria.

And now, without furthur ado, some pictures :-)

Friday, January 05, 2007

yesterday was exactly 5 months...

since i boarded the plane from detroit metro...
wow. time...
well, time does what they say it does.
5 down, 22 more to go.

just got back from a na gosti.
we danced, sang, they made me drink both apricot and cherry compote, and i left with a new jar of homemade fruit preserves in my purse. fantastic.
i can't say that i speak for everybody here, but i really can't get enough homemade canned goods.
i'm not even kidding.
i hated canned food at home.
here, man, it's different. other volunteers might joke about all the food they give you, but as for me... i'm taking anything in a glass jar that you want to give me.
i think this one is strawberry with walnuts... yummmmmm.

what else to ramble on about when i should be sleeping.... let's see...

today i went to turnovo to buy boots.
because the cheap ones i bought before hurt my feet and i can't walk in them.
this is what i get for buying cheap shoes.
i know better.
now i spent the money for the good ones, plus the cost of the cheap ones.
i should have just gotten the good ones in the first place.
i knew this, sigh. i never learn.
actually the reason that i went was to buy a discount card for the train.
but i forgot my photo for the card.
so next week i have to go back to the train station.
gives me another excuse to go to turnovo.
like i need one.
i love that city.
happened to have my camera today.
i felt like taking a couple pictures.
one is from the bus because there weren't any people on it so i decided to be cheesy and take a picture.
the other is just a normal view in what i think is the prettiest city ever.

oh, and on a side note, i got two packages yesterday.
one from aunt louise, uncle pat, katie, steve, michele and jeff...
it was great.
katies magnet cracked me up.
i hung the angel up on my wall.
and i haven't had a chance to listen to the cd yet, but i will tomorrow on the bus ride to Plovdiv... can't wait :-)
the other one was from moriah, the volunteer who was in zlataritsa before i came here.
it said educational supplies on it.
i opened it up and there definitely weren't any educational supplies...it had food...
lots of food.
american food.
chocolate, (including reese's peanut butter cups!)and chocolate chip cookie stuff, and just add water hummus, and just add water other meals, and hot chocolate, and olive oil...and other stuff... i can't even remember...
it was amazing... she knew just what to send...
who sends a care package to someone she hasn't even met?
someone who is as nice as everybody says she is.
she has been so helpful all along too, with any questions about the town or anything else.
zlataritsa was lucky to have her.

ok. it is way too late for me to be up.
i have to wake up in less than 3 hours to catch the 7am bus to veliko turnovo, then the 8am to plovdiv where there are a billion and ten conversations just waiting to be had with my friend i'm meeting there who i haven't seen since swearing in. can't wait.
be back sunday.
mnogo vi obicham.

Monday, January 01, 2007

ok. here ya go :-)

i love maps. especially in my apartment. :-)