Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Roma New Year...installment 2

so i keep calling it the "roma new year" because that is what i learned was politically correct and so i find it hard to stop... however where i live, which is Zlataritsa, the people here do not like to be called roma... they call themselves, and prefer for others to refer to them, as gypsies, or tsigani in bulgarian.
just so ya know.

so yeah, i had some volunteer visitors this weekend. patty, stacie, and maggie...from plovdiv, blagoevgrad, and ugarchin.
i knew that it would be fun with them because all of them are such good sports... and you have to be here.
getting lifted up on chairs to dance in the middle of a restaurant of people you don't know, starting acapella singing circles outside with the kids, needing a flashlight to use the bathroom (ok, so that last one was my fault... opps)
anyway, to curb my ramblings early, i'll just say that it was great.
i had a great time, the people from zlataritsa had a great time, and i'm pretty sure my friends had a great time too.
just to give you a little glance into the night, here are a couple clips.

inside at the party:

and then outside on the street:


At Wednesday, January 17, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahaha, kel, kel,...
kel, kel..aaaaa
kel, kel:)

fun, fun

stacie and patty are really good at dancing on chairs/tables..

see u on sunday.. I have a surprise for you!

At Wednesday, January 17, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Trac,
It looked like you and your friends were having a great time. I love the music. Send more pictures.


At Friday, January 19, 2007, Blogger LauraDyas said...

Great music and footage! You look awesome as always. They really know how to party and have fun. You are doing a wonderful job of educating the rest of us and sharing everything you are experiencing. Thanks for the video it is so much fun to watch.


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