Friday, January 05, 2007

yesterday was exactly 5 months...

since i boarded the plane from detroit metro...
wow. time...
well, time does what they say it does.
5 down, 22 more to go.

just got back from a na gosti.
we danced, sang, they made me drink both apricot and cherry compote, and i left with a new jar of homemade fruit preserves in my purse. fantastic.
i can't say that i speak for everybody here, but i really can't get enough homemade canned goods.
i'm not even kidding.
i hated canned food at home.
here, man, it's different. other volunteers might joke about all the food they give you, but as for me... i'm taking anything in a glass jar that you want to give me.
i think this one is strawberry with walnuts... yummmmmm.

what else to ramble on about when i should be sleeping.... let's see...

today i went to turnovo to buy boots.
because the cheap ones i bought before hurt my feet and i can't walk in them.
this is what i get for buying cheap shoes.
i know better.
now i spent the money for the good ones, plus the cost of the cheap ones.
i should have just gotten the good ones in the first place.
i knew this, sigh. i never learn.
actually the reason that i went was to buy a discount card for the train.
but i forgot my photo for the card.
so next week i have to go back to the train station.
gives me another excuse to go to turnovo.
like i need one.
i love that city.
happened to have my camera today.
i felt like taking a couple pictures.
one is from the bus because there weren't any people on it so i decided to be cheesy and take a picture.
the other is just a normal view in what i think is the prettiest city ever.

oh, and on a side note, i got two packages yesterday.
one from aunt louise, uncle pat, katie, steve, michele and jeff...
it was great.
katies magnet cracked me up.
i hung the angel up on my wall.
and i haven't had a chance to listen to the cd yet, but i will tomorrow on the bus ride to Plovdiv... can't wait :-)
the other one was from moriah, the volunteer who was in zlataritsa before i came here.
it said educational supplies on it.
i opened it up and there definitely weren't any educational had food...
lots of food.
american food.
chocolate, (including reese's peanut butter cups!)and chocolate chip cookie stuff, and just add water hummus, and just add water other meals, and hot chocolate, and olive oil...and other stuff... i can't even remember...
it was amazing... she knew just what to send...
who sends a care package to someone she hasn't even met?
someone who is as nice as everybody says she is.
she has been so helpful all along too, with any questions about the town or anything else.
zlataritsa was lucky to have her.

ok. it is way too late for me to be up.
i have to wake up in less than 3 hours to catch the 7am bus to veliko turnovo, then the 8am to plovdiv where there are a billion and ten conversations just waiting to be had with my friend i'm meeting there who i haven't seen since swearing in. can't wait.
be back sunday.
mnogo vi obicham.


At Monday, January 08, 2007, Blogger LauraDyas said...

Hi Tracy,
5 months down, 22 to go. You are awesome and doing a great job! I am proud of your efforts and the work you are doing. Keep it up and most of all enjoy it. As they say...these are the times of your life. Make the very most of them. I hope everyone over there knows how lucky they are to have you in their lives. Have a great day!


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