Wednesday, December 27, 2006

so i just took my first bucket bath ever.
my hot water is still out but will probably be fixed today.
i just can't handle going more than two days without a shower so i figured that i could improvise.
i put a two huge jugs of water on my radiator last night on the lowest setting.
this morning they were completly warm.
so i used a clean kitchen sponge, water bottles, a bucket and my radiator warmed water and took a pretty freaking good shower.
i only had to use one of the jugs of water.
washed my hair and all.
i could have even probably used less if i tried.
ok, so i know that the peace corps in other countries have to do this everyday and all, and here i am, poor bulgaria pcv, my water heater stops working for a couple days.
but it was my first time.
so i'm kinda proud.
and i'm clean.
it even took less time than a normal shower since i normally just sit under the hot water for an excessive amount of time.

ok, that is all.

i'm off to work.




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