Tuesday, August 15, 2006

just a short post

well i got a couple more seconds till class starts again.
today class will be going late, like 4pm, because we all went to church...It is a huge holiday today in Bulgaria, the name day of Maria...
everybody packed into the church.
there was singing. parying. holy water. (not so so far from catholic, but when they do the sign of the cross, they go right to left, not left to right.)
i lit some candles.
kissed some icons.
ate some bread with honey.
it was fantastic.
then got some coffee.
now it's time to learn more bulgarian.
this morning during the first part of class before church, i realized that this whole time when i asked my host family if they wanted something, i was really asking them if I, myself, wanted it.
damn grammer.
although, i will admit, i wasn't too great at in english either...
ok, back to bulgarski.
love you all.


At Tuesday, August 15, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Tracy,

We're glad to hear everything is going great! If that is how they pronounce their vegetables, then I would probably starve! It's awesome that your host family is helping you learn their language and show concern for your well being. Is your host family farmers? How did they react to not eating meat? Love reading your blog!


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