Thursday, July 20, 2006

bored (not a feeling i'm used to...)

i could never get used to this whole "not working" thing.
it was alright the couple of days that it was sunny.. i just sat outside and made jewelry...
but today...
went into work yesterday... for that meeting...
finished up allll my reports...(how, i don't know)
so now i am officially done at orchards.
i am going to miss every one there.
my co-workers were the absolute best, and so was my supervisor.
how many supervisors personally write out thank you cards to their employees when they leave?

yeah, laura was the best.

ok... well since i am bored out of my skull i guess i'll try to find something more productive to do than sit at this computer and post cards that people give me.
i suppose it is time to get changed anyway, i'm playing softball tonight with my family over in south lyon. (i love that i am able to spend so much time with my cousins before i go... last night i went over to michelle's with katie and we made picture frames... yeahh freda craft night! whoo!)


At Wednesday, August 16, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.


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