Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Sofia to Aya Sofia...

oh, and i might have forgotten to mention that I leave for Istanbul in a week from tomorrow.
which is, you know, exciting and stuff.


At Thursday, March 01, 2007, Blogger LauraDyas said...

I was so glad to read that everything is getting better. The bracelets look like they turned out great even without the correct materials. The one thing about kids is that they don't need fancy materials to have a good time, they just need someone special to be there for them. Thank God they have you! You are in the right place Tracy and doing such a wonderful job. It sounds like you did an equally awesome job cooking the rabbit in the wine. I could never have done that. You are one brave woman and you just keep impressing me every step of the way. Glad your trip is coming up. Can't wait to hear about it. Sounds like it will be fun. I hope you are keeping a journal of everything you are doing day to day. Even if these days seem like they are boring now, when you come back home they will become memories you will not want to forget. Heck, maybe you will end up writing a book! Have a great safe trip.


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