Wednesday, March 28, 2007


ok, so not that i ever really wrote anything all that revealing here, but every once in a while i'd talk about something i was actually thinking about. you might have noticed this has stopped and been replaced with useless babbling and pictures. even though i suppose i had to have thought it to write it...well, you know what i mean.
i feel this is the better rout to go. because i don't think that anyone would really like to know what runs around in my head here pretty much 24 hours a day. and i hesitate to even talk about work or my town, in fear that i would go off into that direction. that's what the paper notebook next to my bed is for. although it spans over 5 years there were sparse to no entries for years. now, each entry is pages long with almost unreadable scrawling as i hastily attempt to get the thoughts out of my head and onto the paper least i forget them. or worse yet, they remain in there.
so, sorry if all of you are thinking "um we don't freaking care about dried fruit, or your clean room, or your favorite tea."
well, that's the way it goes.
or something.
and now, more periphrastic garble.

ok, so let me tell you why this picture is great.
well, besides the completely confused look my face, or perhaps in addition to it. whatever. so here we go..
1) my bedroom is clean. yes, just my bedroom, but it isn't like my apartment is huge or anything so having a clean bedroom takes care of a good 1/2 of my apartment. so it's a start.
and i don't mean i just kind-of organized it. i took everything out of my closet and drawers and dusted everywhere and vacuumed below my bed. my bedroom is CLEAN. my mind even feels more organized now. tomorrow the living room (i suppose that is what you would call the room that doesn't have my bed in it...)
and then... the kitchen. i seriously don't even want to think about that. i'll leave it for last.

ok, moving on to the next reason why this picture is great.
2)i got my new issue of discover! (on the bed)
yes, they DO deliver to Bulgaria! (so, in case you were contemplating a move to bulgaria but were hesitant because of the possibility that your favorite magazine won't be there, worry no more)
i don't know if i have talked about my love for this magazine before, so forgive me if i have. but it is great. the articles are short, (good for those of you/us with ADD). they have super interesting articles but aren't so technical that you need a biology degree to read them.
oh, and also they are great because my older students (all 3 of them.) love this stuff. for example, yesterday, after class was over i took out my magazine to show one of them something and we ended up sitting there talking about it for another hour. they wanted me to translate the main points of the articles for them. however, although pretty rudimentary it's still a freaking science magazine. so after struggling to put it into Bulgarian with the aid of numerous unsucessful gestures and pictures, we decided it would be best for me to rephrase it into simpler English and then have one of the kids who speaks pretty good english then translate it into Bulgarian for the other two. yeah, maybe is took a little longer than it would at home with the language and stuff...but we got by. it was actually pretty fantastic.
they want me to bring the magazine again to class on thursday.

and now, finally, the last reason why this super fuzzy, 70's looking picture is so fantastic.
3) the tea in my hand.
it's the stuff i got in turkey. i just accidentally picked it up at the grocery store next to our hostel because the tea they gave us for breakfast there was horrible. but this stuff turned out to be the best tea i have ever had.
green tea with ginkgo... which i have had versions of in the states. but is perfect. so i went back before i left Istanbul and bought the remaining boxes at the store. (they only had three more left)
i still have a box and a half left. but then... what will i do?
i suppose that is just one more reason i need to go back to Istanbul.

eh, i'll throw in one more reason.
4) while cleaning i found my favorite pair of worn in jeans, which i'm wearing in the picture, that i hadn't seen in a month or so. you might wonder how an apartment so small could have become so disorganized as to lose a pair of jeans. well, it's a special talent i have. magic almost. i'd like to say it's inherited, but nobody in my family is like this, so i guess i take full credit. even though the jeans weren't really lost... know...under stuff.

ok, off to english class with the younger students.

but before i do, i can't forget to say that....
MAY 5th!!!

miss her. tolkova mnogo. can't wait. can't wait. can't wait. :-)

oh, and one last sidenote.
i used the word 'freaking' twice in this one entry.
i feel this is excessive.
i actually considered removing them as soon as they were typed.
but decided against it.
freaking was what i thought. freaking is what stays.
jesus, now it's up to 5.
and i gotta go...


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