Sunday, October 01, 2006

maybe a little overboard

ok, so i know i'm putting up a ton of pictures, but i am finally able to connect my camera to the computers in the computer lab with a decent connection...
yes, i do have other things to do with my time, but for your enjoyment, i am choosing this.
lots of love.

i took this clip walking to class a couple weeks ago.
i heard a noise behind me, looked, and there were two horses just trotting along the street with no leader... i am not sure where they were coming from, but apparentally they knew exactly where they were going...


At Sunday, October 01, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your town looks very interesting. Do you get to ride the horses? Love ya, Mom

At Monday, October 02, 2006, Blogger LauraDyas said...

Photos and film were fun to look at. Thanks for taking the time to share them with everyone back home. Everything looks so green and so beautiful. I read about your grad school plans. Sounds like you are thinking ahead. Very good idea to do so. Grad school is an excellent idea in our field and a degree is something no one can take away from you. Will always help in our field. Let me know if you need any help with the research or if I can assist in any way. Keep up the great work. You look happy, must be all the yogurt! Have a great week.
Laura Dyas

At Tuesday, October 03, 2006, Blogger Emily said...

Trayread.....I got DENIED. I'm crushed. However, I don't think I will appeal it. I will, however, continue to read your blog on a daily basis and hope the best for you! I wanted to tell you because we had talked so much in PC chat before you ever left!

Glad you are having a great time... They do pick good you!

Take care,

At Wednesday, October 04, 2006, Blogger Wifer said...

Hiya Sweets,
Still missing you. We got a one percent raise. I now have an extra ten cents a check:) Need a loan?

Love ya smoochies

At Friday, October 13, 2006, Blogger tracy said...

hey brad,
did you get a random ring from a foreign country on your phone a couple days ago??
yeah, it was me.
saying hi.
love you!


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