Friday, September 01, 2006

when i have something to say...

well, i have thought of a billion things to put here, but as usual, when i'm actully at the internet cafe, i can't think of a sinlge one.
some good news though, i have finally started to understand bulgarian.
yes, a small amount, but at least i don't feel like i'm wearing a clock of ignorance anymore.
which brings along with it it's own problems.
now i know enough words to catch a lot of the conversations around me, yet not enough to fully understand them in any sort of functional way.
although, i will say that i am able to have semi-converstaions with my host family finally, WITHOUT the use of the bulgarian/enlish dictionary, thank you very much. :-)
granted, my conjugation was atrocious. i had to use like five words to describe something since i am lacking the vocabularly for specific things that i want to say, and twice i had to stop in the middle of a story because it was just too hard to convey the words i wanted to continue.
soon, though.
now i'm almost obsessed.
i study all of the time. seriously.
my host family has to tell to stop.
pochivka, tracy. monogo yuchish.
and i agree. for like two seconds.
then i'm back to it.
i just hate not being able to understand what is going on around me, as well as not being able to express myself, or my thoughts to my host family.
soooo yeah.

let's see, anything else interesting???
well, we find out our permanent sites on monday.
at the site placement interviews i said that i didn't have a preference, so i'll probably end up in a small village, which is fine with me.
not as many temptations to spend my money.
i just really want running water.
yep. that's it.
running water.
which almost all the places in bulgaria have, or at least have the majority of the time, so i'm sure i'll be fine.

ok, well it's late, got to get up early for the hike.
love you.
good night.


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