Wednesday, April 11, 2007

chocolate bunnies, mac 'n cheese

although i'm tempted to postdate this, due to katie's comments on that sort of thing, i won't.
so here we go.

easter weekend.
lots of fun.
i had some other volunteers visit which made it the second weekend in row with town must think that the americans are taking over or something.
friday a few of us went out to the cafe in my town and stayed up till 4am doing random things. like making porridge... ok, maybe that was just me.
regardless, we stayed up late.
my plan for saturday was to cook a nice dinner for everyone, but after walking around turnovo all day with such little sleep i was exhausted so we ended up with salad and macaroni and cheese.
thanks to maggie for the kraft mac and cheese.
traditional easter food, nali?
we also made it to the midnight easter vigil in my town, which was definitely interesting. the most being where the priest comes out with two large candles and then everybody rushes to him as if he were a rockstar trying to get their candles lit.
we were all pretty fascinated by it, but then someone made the point that if it were the pope here and everybody were catholic you know that there would be people dead in the stampede to get their candle lit.
so true.
no matter what denomination or where you're from, i suppose people figure every little bit of extra blessing helps. and if your candle is lit directly from the priest himself instead of the fire passed down, well, all the better i say.
as for us, we waited and had ours lit by someone who got it from someone who got it from the priest.
and through a series of fire borrowing we managed to keep ours lit through the entire outside sermon.
tradition says you are supposed to keep it lit on the walk back to your house while you remain silent.
well, we figured we did a pretty good job with the candle thing and called it quits once outside church property.
god will understand i'm sure, even if we didn't get ours lit right from the popa himself.
so we made it back, exhausted from the day and then managed to sleep 6 people in my tiny apartment.
happy easter No. 1 in BG.


At Thursday, April 12, 2007, Blogger LauraDyas said...

The photos on your blog were outstanding. Thanks for posting them. Sounds like you have some work to do with the kids in Zlatarits. The project sounds fun and challenging. I know you will do a great job. Your Easter experience sounds like it was fun filled. Glad things are going well. Keep up the great job and have a good week!


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