Monday, April 09, 2007

well, it's about noon and i'm at the peace corps office in sofia right now.
good news: i found the tom robbins book i had started before i left for bulgaria but was forced to return before i departed and never actually finished.
bad news: the reason i'm here.
one of my closest friends here and previous sitemate during training left for america at the crack of dawn this morning. she won't be coming back. not of her choice. medical issues and things of that sort. so while the realistic side of me is happy that she will be getting the best care available in colorado and will hopefully have a full recovery, the selfish side keeps thinking how much it freaking sucks that she won't be here anymore.
just last week we had started planning a trip to macedonia at the end of may.
you don't even realize how attached you are to people until they call you at 8am on a saturday morning telling you that they are being not only medevacted to the US, but medically seperated as well.
so easter sunday i hopped on a bus to sofia (because there was no way she was going to leave without having a chance to say goodbye) and spent the night hanging out with her in sick bay (the bedroom in the peace corps office where volunteers stay for medical reasons) then at 4am we got up and headed with the PC driver to the airport.
yes, i know i'll see her again.
and health is more important and all that.
but she was one of the most positive, upbeat, thoughtful, and all around great people we have here, and i miss her already.


At Monday, April 09, 2007, Blogger LauraDyas said...

So sorry to hear about your friend that got sick and and to leave to seek medical treatment. You are a very good friend to go and be with her. I know she must have really been glad that you were with her when she needed you. I was able to spent time with your family yesterday at Jim and Marilyn's for Easter. Everyone looked great and is so proud of the awesome work you are doing Tracy. You really need to know that sometimes in life even when you may feel that you are not accomplishing much, you are really obtaining life skills, touching lives and learning life skills. Your resume is building, your life is getting richer and you are growing. These are things that you can not ever replace in your life. I know you may grow frustrated and feel restless but just know that sometimes there is a bigger plan that we just don't understand. Keep your faith close to your heart and enjoy each day to its fullest. You just don't know what is around the corner or what the next day may bring you. Faith is the one thing no one can ever take from you. Your smile is the one thing that may brighten someone else's day. Thanks for doing what you are doing. It takes a very brave person to do it. Have a great week!

At Monday, April 09, 2007, Blogger Melody said...

I'm sorry your friend left. It happened to me too. She ETed and I was happy to see her go home and be happy but I was soooo sad to see her leave. She was my roommate and best friend. Every conference after that I thought about her and wishing she was there and I really missed her at COS. I mean it's not like she died and we still constantly communicate, it's just that we shared something together, Bulgaria and it was just really hard when she left. It's always hard when your pcv friends leave, no matter what the reason but esp. hard when they are you best pc friend.

At Monday, April 09, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey Tracy its Nicole. We got your letters from your students a couple of days ago, we wrote you back and sent them a couple of days ago. Hope you get them soon. We missed you yesterday at Easter, we all went over to Aunt Marlyns house. Well I miss you a lot.
Love you.
and natalia says hi to!

At Monday, April 09, 2007, Blogger Emily said...

oh tracy, that's a bummer. i'm sorry to hear that. i'm sure it makes it hard and a very difficult time. hopefully she will get to feeling better and i'm sure you all will stay in touch.

take care.


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